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Imaging is an exciting diagnostic tool in veterinary science that has expanded significantly in recent years.


Brudine has a multitude of imaging options to help get to the bottom of whatever may be making your pet unwell or uncomfortable. Our imaging equipment includes: digital radiography (X-ray), digital dental radiology, ultrasound and endoscopy.


Digital Radiography: Using our large digital x-ray machine, we are able to take quick & accurate x-rays of your pet from their head to their toes and everything in between! We use this machine on a daily basis for diagnosing both skeletal and soft tissue abnormalities.


Dental X-ray (Digital):  Dental x-rays are a very useful tool to help our veterinarians understand what's going on inside your pet’s mouth. Sometimes what we see with our eyes on the surface of a tooth is very different to what's going on under the gums or in the underlying bone. Taking dental x-rays can allow us to make a forward-thinking plan for your pet and potentially reduce the number of anaesthetics and dental procedures your pet will need in future. 


Ultrasound: This is a great non-invasive, non-painful means for examining the inside of your pet’s abdomen or looking at their heart. We can use it to diagnose or monitor disease, as well as to clarify pregnancy diagnosis. We can look at everything from gall bladder issues to bladder stones to problems with the heart valves, or tumours in various abdominal organs. Ultrasound gives us different information to x-rays. Sometimes, sedation is required to ensure your pet’s experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.


If your pet is pregnant, ultrasound allows us to check the puppies or kittens from about four weeks gestation, which is much earlier than detectable by X-ray. This means you can make decisions to help keep your pet in optimal health throughout pregnancy as well as allowing you to plan for the upcoming pitter-patter of tiny paws.


Endoscopy: This is a long tube containing a marvellous little camera that assists us in getting into small spaces and finding things we just can't access easily. The endoscope can be used to look down into your pet’s stomach, or fish out foreign bodies, like a grass seed in the ear or nose. It can also be utilised for collecting biopsies from tumours in hard-to-reach places.


Imaging is not only a fascinating part of our work here at Brudine, but also truly is an incredible assistance for our vets and your pet.


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