Why we love our Vet Nurses
The amazing Vet Nurses are an integral part of what makes Brudine work. So because today is International Vet Nurse day........
Mast Cell Tumours
What are Mast Cell Tumours and what do you need to know if your pet is diagnosed with one.....
Why are dental X-rays important for my pet?
Have you ever wondered why we do dental x-rays? Here at Brudine Vet Hospital we use this vital tool almost every day. Click here...
Can dogs get Dementia?
Although many dog owners are unaware of it, canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) or Doggie Dementia, affects a significant portion of the seni
How do I know if my pet needs desexing?
Desexing is a routine procedure in dogs and cats. But did you know that desexing is VERY important in a number of other species?
Kitty Got Claws!
Kneading, treading, happy paws, call it what you will. Most of us will have seen our feline friends rhythmically pushing with their paws and
Can you guess which disease is most common to vets?
Can you guess which disease our veterinarians see most frequently on examinations? It's so common up to 90% of our pets are affected to